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Customer Service Schools in the Southeast

In 2024, we ranked 7 schools offering customer service majors in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Louisiana.

Our team ranks Herzing University Atlanta, Herzing University New Orleans (Metairie, LA), and Herzing University Birmingham the best three customer service schools in the Southeast.

See the best 7 customer service schools in the Southeast below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the Southeast.

Top 7 customer service schools in the Southeast:

Herzing University Atlanta - Secretary School Ranking
1. Herzing University Atlanta

Atlanta, GA, 2 customer service programs

Herzing University New Orleans - Secretary School Ranking
2. Herzing University New Orleans

Metairie, LA, 1 customer service program

Herzing University Birmingham - Secretary School Ranking
3. Herzing University Birmingham

Birmingham, AL, 2 customer service programs

Central Louisiana Technical Community College - Secretary School Ranking
4. Central Louisiana Technical Community College

Alexandria, LA, 1 customer service program

Herzing University Orlando - Secretary School Ranking
5. Herzing University Orlando

Winter Park, FL, 2 customer service programs

Bossier Parish Community College - Secretary School Ranking
6. Bossier Parish Community College

Bossier City, LA, 1 customer service program

Baton Rouge Community College - Secretary School Ranking
7. Baton Rouge Community College

Baton Rouge, LA, 1 customer service program

Customer service schools in the Southeast by state:

Schools by State1 Customer Service Schools in Alabama1 Customer Service Schools in Florida1 Customer Service Schools in Georgia4 Customer Service Schools in Louisiana

Customer service schools in other regions:

Midwest: 7 schools
Northwest: 3 schools
South: 2 schools
West: 4 schools

Popular secretary school cities in the Southeast:

in Alabama:
Bay Minette: 1 school
Birmingham: 3 schools
Boaz: 1 school
Dothan: 1 school
Gadsden: 1 school
Hanceville: 1 school
Rainsville: 1 school
Tuscaloosa: 1 school
in Arkansas:
Fort Smith: 1 school
Russellville: 1 school
in Florida:
Boynton Beach: 1 school
Hialeah: 1 school
Jacksonville: 1 school
Lauderdale Lakes: 1 school
Margate: 1 school
Miami: 1 school
Orlando: 1 school
Pembroke Pines: 1 school
Tampa: 2 schools
West Palm Beach: 1 school
Winter Park: 2 schools
in Georgia:
Americus: 1 school
Atlanta: 2 schools
Chamblee: 1 school
Clarkesville: 1 school
Gainesville: 2 schools
Lawrenceville: 1 school
Marietta: 1 school
Morrow: 1 school
Rome: 1 school
Sandersville: 1 school
Statesboro: 1 school
Thomasville: 1 school
Valdosta: 2 schools
Warner Robins: 1 school
Waycross: 1 school
in Kentucky:
Lexington: 1 school
Maysville: 1 school
in Louisiana:
Alexandria: 1 school
Minden: 1 school
Monroe: 1 school
in Mississippi:
Booneville: 1 school
Clarksdale: 1 school
Meridian: 1 school
Perkinston: 1 school
Raymond: 1 school
Scooba: 1 school
Senatobia: 1 school
in Puerto Rico:
Bayamon: 7 schools
Carolina: 4 schools
Cayey: 1 school
Humacao: 2 schools
Manati: 2 schools
Mayaguez: 3 schools
Ponce: 4 schools
San Juan: 4 schools
Utuado: 1 school
in South Carolina:
Beaufort: 1 school
Charleston: 1 school
Greenville: 2 schools
Greenwood: 1 school
Pendleton: 1 school
Spartanburg: 1 school
in Tennessee:
Blountville: 1 school
Cleveland: 1 school
Dickson: 1 school
Knoxville: 2 schools
Memphis: 2 schools
Nashville: 2 schools
in Virginia:
Alberta: 1 school
Danville: 1 school
Dublin: 1 school
Hampton: 1 school
Norfolk: 1 school
Wytheville: 1 school © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology